Procedimenti Giudiziari
Se il conflitto è già iniziato e la sua risoluzione giudiziaria è inevitabile, ABOGADOS VELAZAZQUEZ, con un team di esperti in diritto processuale, difenderà i tuoi interessi davanti ai tribunali nelle aree specializzate del diritto commerciale, civile e finanziario in tutti i casi, che copre un’ampia gamma di servizi di rappresentanza dinanzi ai procedimenti giudiziari.
- Richieste in azione per incasso fatture
- Richiesta per inadempienze contrattuali
- Richiesta di crediti su contratti bancari
- Risarcimento a soci-amministratori per danni alla societa' commerciale
- Causa in azione per concorrenza sleale
- Causa per vizi nascosti e difetti di conformità negli autoveicoli usati
- Tutela dei brevetti, marchi e proprieta' intellettuale
- Richieste per danni extracontrattuali
Preguntas frecuentes
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
Hai bisogno di una consulenza legale?
+34 91 131 06 47