Diritto Commerciale
Ramo del diritto che disciplina le operazioni compiute nelle società nell’ambito del loro oggetto sociale. Si richiede un alto grado di specializzazione e una conoscenza approfondita del mondo degli affari, delle operazioni commerciali, delle operazioni finanziarie, dell’analisi dei bilanci e dei rendiconti contabili.
ABOGADOS VELAZQUEZ, è composto da professionisti esperti in queste aree che vedrai tu stesso dal primo giorno. È la nostra specialità, ti invitiamo a verificare la nostra capacità di risolvere i problemi aziendali.
Esperti in praticamente tutti i rami di attività, grazie alla specializzazione negli studi svolti dai loro avvocati ed economisti e alla vasta esperienza di lavoro con più di 150 aziende, dalle micro-PMI alle multinazionali.
Preguntas frecuentes
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
Hai bisogno di una consulenza legale?
+34 91 131 06 47