Direito Mercantil

Direito Mercantil

Ramo do Direito que regula as operações realizadas nas sociedades dentro do seu objeto social. Exige alto grau de especialização e profundo conhecimento do mundo dos negócios, operações comerciais, operações financeiras, análise de balanços e demonstrações contábeis.

ABOGADOS VELAZQUEZ, é composta por profissionais especialistas nestas áreas que você mesmo verá desde o primeiro dia. É nossa especialidade, encorajamos você a verificar nossa capacidade de resolver problemas de negócios.

Especialistas em praticamente todos os ramos de negócios, devido à especialização nos estudos realizados por seus advogados e economistas e larga experiência trabalhando com mais de 150 empresas, desde micro-PMEs até multinacionais.

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Preguntas frecuentes

If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.

If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.

If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.

If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.

If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.

Abogados Velázquez
Você precisa de aconselhamento jurídico?
+34 91 131 06 47