Incorporation of companies

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Incorporation of companies and corporate groups

Incorporation of companies to measure. We set up Public Limited Companies, Limited Companies, Professional Companies, Subsidiaries both in Spain and abroad, Constitution of foundations and Economic Interest Groups.

Protect your personal assets from your business activity by creating a PATRIMONIAL COMPANY and save taxes on personal income tax. In this type of company, take advantage of the savings advantage by contracting the special equals patrimonial companies.

We plan the incorporation of the company, assessing future tax savings according to the activity to be carried out. We establish anti-blocking measures for partners, special exclusion clauses for partners who do not comply with what was agreed during the social life and non-competition clauses. The team of Abogados Velázquez, with extensive experience and professionalism, will advise you on the constitution of your company, creating custom-made statutes based on the particular needs of the partners. We incorporate innovative clauses that allow us to maintain control of the company at all times and expel partners who do not contribute to the corporate purpose. The statutes are the law that will govern the life of the company and the relations between partners, it is therefore very important that it is believed to be articulated to measure, adapting it to the needs of each company and avoiding conflicts that at some point in the life of the company society will occur.

Accessory benefits. It is about introducing obligations to the partners in the statutes that can be from carrying out some type of paid activity in the company and that its lack of performance leads to the expulsion of the company.

As a novelty, with respect to the usual statutes, we incorporate anti-blocking measures for companies to prevent the activity of the company from being paralyzed due to lack of or impossibility of agreement between partners and dissolution may be requested by any of them, especially by the one causing the blocking itself. and thereby prevent the disappearance of society.

Necessary procedures for the incorporation of companies

We carry out in our office all the necessary procedures for the constitution and future continuity of the company in a peaceful way between partners, among them we include the following procedures:

1. We advise you on the corporate form that best suits your interests.
2. Name request and reservation.
3. Provisional CIF application.
4. Drafting of custom statutes, parasocial agreements , privileges for founding partners and anti-blockade clauses.
5. Realization of all notarial procedures.
6. Registration in the Mercantile Registry.
7. Social registration in the Tax Agency and definitive CIF application.

Commitment to set up a company in 15 business days at the best price.

30% discount on the constitution of your company if you contract with us a legal equalization of comprehensive tax advice for commercial companies.

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